French Bulldog!

French Bulldog!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hey guys! How are y'all doing? Im great! Today is our first day of school and it's going fantastic!
When did you guys start or when are you going to start?:) Have a great rest of your day!!!

Love, Hannah


  1. That pretty cool, Hannah! We started school last Monday - which means just math and science for Ariel and I though, since we're going to start heavier school next week. What's your favorite subject?

  2. I was quite excited when I saw you had posted!
    We are starting shortly after Labor Day. I'm kind-of sad that summer's over, but I do really like fall too!

  3. I was excited when I saw you posted, Hannah! How are YOU? I'm good, though we do have a little cold. =(
    Like Savannah said, we've already started school, and it's been okay!
    Hope we can see each other to- because we NEED to get together again, girl!! =)
