French Bulldog!

French Bulldog!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I am doing well. I made sugar cookies last night and they were so good. I love to make cookies! What have you guys been doing? I am also going to try to make the Hibiscus Rainbow Loom bracelet but it does take a lot of rubber bands I heard!!!!  It is snowing a TON here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


  1. Do you have a favorite kind of cookie to make? We don't make cookies very often, but I like helping our mom make them when we do. -Savannah

  2. I LOVE it when it snows a bunch! Have you played out in the snow this winter yet? We haven't, but I hope we'll be able to soon! -Savannah

  3. Sorry we weren't able to come to Hopeskate! It was so cold, and our dad was using the car...Hope we are able to see you at Bright lights! -Savannah

  4. It is ok! We missed you a ton and we haven't seen you at Hope Skate in like 10 years!!!!!!

  5. I hope we are able to come to the next Hopeskate! I can't believe we have missed three Hopeskates in a row! -Savannah
