French Bulldog!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
This is me in Kansas City on our way back home from Oklahoma and I got to go to the American Girl doll store! It was so cool. :-)
Hi everyone! How are you guys doing? I am doing very well. I can't believe that it is almost Christmas! Wow. December is flying by. What do you guys want for Christmas? I want legos, clothes, and lots of different things. :-) Last night we played the game Clue twice and it was so much fun and tonight we are going to play it too! I am going to post a couple of pictures from our vacation.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Hi everyone! How are you guys? I am doing well. We have been very busy! :-) We just got back from our Thanksgiving vacation! we were gone for a week and 2 days! It was so much fun. We went to Oklahoma to my grandma and grandpas house. My grandpa bought a cabin so we got to stay in the cabin with him! :-) It was really cool because it is in the woods! And then on Wednesday my aunt Cathy uncle Tommy and cousin Chanel came down from texas!! It was so much fun. How was your guys' Thanksgivings? We had to leave Finn at the vet when we went out of town and my dad went to go get him and he was HUGE! But we think they fed him a little too much! but he is getting a little smaller now! :-) I can't wait until Christmas is here! What are you guys wanting for Christmas? Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Hi everyone! How are you guys? We are doing very well. What have you guys been up to lately? Does any of you have any lego friends legos or just legos? I LOVE legos! I play with them all of the time. I really want to get some more. My parents said every 10 books we read that are 200 pages or more we can get something very special because they encourage us to keep reading. I just started so I'm only on my first book but I think it will be a very fun thing to do! Have a good rest of your day! Bye Bye!!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Hello everyone!!! How are you guys doing? Today we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo and it was SOOOOOOO much fun! We saw about everything, except for the thin that were not open. There is this new thing at the zoo that you can pet stingrays! We really wanted to do it but it's only open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. When we were finished at the zoo we went to the gift shop and I got a tiny stuffed animal girraff, a dolphin nekalace, and a little keychain. It was a lot of fun and I will try to post some pictures some time this week or in the next couple of days.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Hello everyone! How are you guys? I am doing well. I just got finished taking care of a hamster for our neighbors and it was a lot of fun! What have you guys been up to lately?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Hello everyone!! How are you guys? I am doing great. I love to post on my blog but we have kinda been busy so I haven't been able to post that much but we are slowing down a little now. I am going to post some pictures today maybe like 10. I'm not sure but a lot! :-) It is so rainy today. I love rainy days except when you are trying to do something that day......
Saturday, August 16, 2014
These donkeys were in the middle of the road when we were driving back home! I got to pet all of them and they were wild and they were so sweet. There were 5 of them!!
Hi everyone!! I am going to post some pics of our trip! :-)
This is me in the background of Mount Rushmore
This is me in the background of Mount Rushmore
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Hello everyone!! How are you guys? I am doing well. I finally can type on my blog. My grandma has been here for 2 weeks and she just left yesterday morning. I already miss her! :-) I really want to see you guys. I haven't seen you guys in like forever.... I am going to be watching a lizard for 2 weeks. Her name is Prickles.
Bye got to go now.
There is Finny!!!!
Bye got to go now.
There is Finny!!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Hi everyone! How is everyone? I am doing pretty well. It has been very busy in the Hovendick family for the last couple of weeks. It is very fun that my grandma is here and she is staying a really long time. I love to have her here she is such a big help to our family. Good night sorry I did such a late post...:-)
Monday, May 12, 2014
sorry finn would not sit still and I will try to take one later! so sorry!
Hello everyone!! Guess What??????? This week on Wedensday I am getting braces! I am really excited! We only have 9 days of school left!! I am so excited that it is almost summer. Finally.
I love summer. Last night it was a really bad bad storm. We went to the lowest level of the house.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Hello everyone!!! How are you? I am doing all right. :-) Sorry I haven't posted on my blog in a long time. We have been kinda busy. We have been doing school really really light this week. I am going to post a picture of my b day presents in a few days. !!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Monday, April 21, 2014
Hello everyone!! I hope you all had a great Easter. We did. We did a egg hunt, dyed eggs, went to my grandma and grandpas house for lunch, then we went to someones house for dinner and dessert and we hung out. :-) I love Easter. I am so excited for my birthday it is in 5 days!!! :-) I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so excited for it!! How are you guys? I am doing well. I am going to post a picture of what I got for my birthday from my grandparents and my Aunt because we celebrated it in Easter because it was easier than to do it on my birthday. :-) :-) :-)
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
I think that this is a very cute charm to make!! I have not made it yet but I am going to make it maybe tonight!!! :-)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Hi everyone! How is everyone? I am doing great. We have been kinda busy this week, but we are slowing down. This afternoon I am going to make Reece piece bars! They look really good! I am really excited for my birthday that is coming up! I am also really excited for Easter. Finn is getting really really big and he is also getting kinda fat. :-) We actually found out that we were feeding him too much food so that is probably why. He is so cute though. I will post a picture of him on here soon once I figure it out again. I hope everyone has a great afternoon!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Hello evryone!! I am so thankful for the nice weather today!! I am so excited for my birthday!! It is in 16 days counting today!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Hello everyone! I am doing well!! We have been kinda busy, but we have been starting to slow down a little bit. Finn is growing so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!! We went to go see Mr Peabody and Sherman today! It was so so cute! We also went to the movies with our friends today and then we went to Firehouse Subs! It was really good!!! Good night everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok I think that my eyes are going to close because I put so so many exclamations!!
ok I think that my eyes are going to close because I put so so many exclamations!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Hello everyone!! Sorry, I haven't posted on my blog in a very long time. I have been really busy with Finn Finn our new dog and also I have been very busy with school. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!! Today, my mom tricked us and said that the president is making a law that there are no breaks summer, winter or anything!! She was tricking though!! It is not true!! which I totally thought that it was real. She said that it was are April Fools Day joke on us!! Did any of you guys do any tricks or you parents?
Monday, March 24, 2014
Finn Finn
Last night Finn, did not bark once!! I slept great!!! He is teething really badly right now so we have him chewing on a lot of toys. I love Finn. He is 6 weeks old and he LOVES to play!! He really enjoys being with people. He is very very smart. We don't have to take him outside to go to the bathroom, he has this little like litter box that he goes to the bathroom in in these little pine shavings. They smell really good because they are pine and I love the smell of pine. It smells wonderful!! I will post some more pictures on here really soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Good afternoon!! How is everyone? We are doing good. My brother has pneumonia, but he is doing a ton better than he was. This week we have to put our dog Toby down :( I am so sad. So the week after that we are going to drive to Minnesota to pick up the puppy! My brother and I are going to take turns holding the puppy on the way back and we will have to find a hotel that dogs are aloud in!! I think it will be fun. This video is the piano guys doing a song from Frozen called Let it Go! It is so pretty it also has another piece along with it.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Hi everyone! I can't wait until tomorrow, it is almost Valentine's Day! And I have all of my Valentine's made!! I have Minion ones from Despicable Me :-)))))))))))
Hello! Today we made homemade sugar cookies! And we also made pink frosting from scratch. It was a lot of fun and they are really good!! By the way the picture on top is Toby our dog.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Hello everyone. I can't wait until Valentine's day!! I love Valentine's day!!!!!!!! What do you guys do for Valentines day
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? I am doing well. I just moved my room around today! It was really fun. We also went to go see the now Lego movie last night. We LOVED it, my bro espectioally. It was so funny!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I am doing well. I made sugar cookies last night and they were so good. I love to make cookies! What have you guys been doing? I am also going to try to make the Hibiscus Rainbow Loom bracelet but it does take a lot of rubber bands I heard!!!! It is snowing a TON here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Hello everyone! I am doing well. Today we did our school in our basement at the table! It was so fun.. I also got finished with a book today called the Les Miserables it was such a good book.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
The picture of me with the Lego girl made out of Legos, is me at Lego Land! THat was when I was younger.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hello everyone! How are you guys doin? I hope you are doing well! I am doing well! THis morning we went on a walk to Panara! It was fun i got a cinnimon crunch bagel! Hope you are all doing well.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? I am doing very well! My dads birthday was just yesterday, and we made this thing where we got all these different kind of candy bars like, pay day, snickers, almond joy and we took 3 pieces of construction paper and we put like a sentence and said, "We hope you get an extra "Pay Day" for all you do. My mom came up with the idea! I think it was a great idea! It is so funny how it was in the 60s a few days ago and yesterday it was snowing and today it is below 0! WOWZA! Omaha can do some serious weather changing! This last Sunday we had a birthday party with my grandparents for my dad. It was fun. I feel like I haven't seen you guys the (Perrans) in FOREVER! I hope you guys are all better now. I hope you are doing well grandma. We jumped on our trampoline a ton on Sunday because it was so nice outside. I know how to do a front flip but i am trying to figure out how to do a front flip and land on my feet. I really like having a trampoline exspesially when we have friends over. Have any of you guys heard of lego friends? I have like 10 sets I really like them! Especially because I like to build legos. Last weekend on Saturday I made white vanilla pudding, it was so so easy! I loved it, it was so so good. All you need to make it is 2 of the jello powder mixes, milk, bowl, measuring cup and a whisk and thats all! What you do to make it is, first take a 1/2 measuring cup and a bowl and you take your jello mix and you dump it into the bowl, then you take your measuring cup and you take the milk and you poor it into the measuring cup, then you poor it into the bowl with the jello mix. Then you take your whisk and start stirring it until it gets a little bit harder, then you just put it into the refrigerater and let it sit for about 7 mins in their then you take it out spoon it into a bowl and you are ready to enjoy! Hope you guys like the recipe! Have a good day!!!!
Monday, January 6, 2014
I hope you guys liked the trailer and the other video!!!!!!!!!
I absolutly think this video from the movie Frozen is halarious!
Hi everyone! How are u? I am doing well! Did everyone have a good Christmas? I for sure did!
We got a trampoline!!!! It was AWESOME! I love it! We jump on it every day we can! I haven't been jumping on it for a couple of days bcuz it has been so cold! We went to go see Frozen at the movie theater and it was AWESOME! Olaf the snowman is HALARIOUS!
I hope you guys like the trailer!
We got a trampoline!!!! It was AWESOME! I love it! We jump on it every day we can! I haven't been jumping on it for a couple of days bcuz it has been so cold! We went to go see Frozen at the movie theater and it was AWESOME! Olaf the snowman is HALARIOUS!
I hope you guys like the trailer!
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