French Bulldog!

French Bulldog!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My cousin and I in Canada drinking our water from a really long bike ride.:-)

Thats me a long time ago.... :-)

This is the baby owl that was in our front yard.And the other kids are our neighbors.
Hello everyone!! How are you guys? I am doing great. I love to post on my blog but we have kinda been busy so I haven't been able to post that much but we are slowing down a little now. I am going to post some pictures today maybe like 10. I'm not sure but a lot! :-) It is so rainy today. I love rainy days except when you are trying to do something that day......

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thats me in the forest!

These donkeys were in the middle of the road when we were driving back home! I got to pet all of them and they were wild and they were so sweet. There were 5 of them!!
Hi everyone!! I am going to post some pics of our trip! :-)

This is me in the background of Mount Rushmore

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

This is my neighbor and I jumping and playing in the water on the trampoline.
Hello everyone!! How are you guys? I am doing well. I finally can type on my blog. My grandma has been here for 2 weeks and she just left yesterday morning. I already miss her! :-) I really want to see you guys. I haven't seen you guys in like forever.... I am going to be watching a lizard for 2 weeks. Her name is Prickles.

Bye got to go now. 
There is Finny!!!!